More than 150 thousand passengers with disabilities have used social taxi service to reach necessary destinations.
Мосгортранс сообщает о развитии уникального сервиса для маломобильных пассажиров «Социальное такси». В Москве только за этот год им воспользовалось боле 150 тысяч особенных пассажиров. В автобусах предусмотрены специальные приспособления для инвалидных колясок, пандусы, подъёмники, бортовые кухни, туалетные комнаты, места для собак-поводырей и многое другое.
Each vehicle has its own special equipment for a convenient and safe trip – ramps, lifts and wheelchair mounts. Besides, buses have the transformer cabins: it is possible to change the quantity of seats for passengers and wheelchairs. Such transport provides passengers with the on-board kitchen, WC room, locking devices, video surveillance cameras, driver call buttons, places for a guide dogs and a climate control system.
The main advantage of social taxi service is that the it works seven days a week from 08:00 till 20:00. Moscow citizens can always order the Social Taxi on Mosgortrans website or use a single telephone line. The Social Taxi service helps passengers with disabilities to get to the most important social places – medical and educational institutions, airports, train stations as well as excursions etc. Furthermore, this service carries out individual and collective transportation of people with disabilities.
“The Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has set a task to increase the accessibility of transport so that all the categories of passengers can use it comfortably. The Social Taxi service works for people with disabilities. Since the beginning of the year, the buses of the service have transported more than 150 thousand such passengers. The transport accompanied excursions and transferred people to sanatoriums in the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia more than 60 times,” — said Maksim Liksutov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.
The drivers who work with passengers with disabilities are obliged to receive special training, thus they will always provide children and adults with first aid. Besides, the Social Taxi service is several times cheaper than the regular taxi. Furthermore, the service carries out individual and collective transportation of people with disabilities.